Monday, November 29, 2010


Albert Einstein famously said,"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results."  So if this is accurate then why do we...

-  Work our ass off in athletics every day in hopes of going pro when less then 1% of athletes will ever be     professionals.

-  Treat the people we love with respect when we know we will never get anything in return.

-  Borrow things to our friends they will never give back.

-  Go into each quarter hoping for straight A's but keeping the same study habits.

-  Dream about winning the big game, acing the big test, or spitting the sickest line(Jack, Paul, John)

I can go on and on with examples we do everyday that never change but we all expect our results to.  Now the question is... Can the smartest person of all time possibly be wrong?  Or maybe we are all INSANE. 

Think about it- Ty


  1. looking at hot girls on the computer knowing you will never get with them

  2. I always get with the hot girls from the computer
